So much has changed
in the classroom since I was a young student. When I first heard of
constructivism and student-centred learning in my B.Ed. program, I was baffled.
What happened to the "good ol' days" of teachers lecturing and
the students frantically scribbling notes down?? Were these really
effective learning opportunities? While some "old school"
adults hold the belief that "we learned that way and we turned out
fine", others recognize the fact that this method of teaching is no the be
all and end all of pedagogy. Throughout my B.Ed. courses and my teaching
practices, I have strived to be an effective teacher by differentiating
instruction and adjusting my teaching style to incorporate different learning
styles and multiple intelligences.
An “Ideal” Classroom
In order to aid this
major paradigm shift in teaching and learning, we must support it via the
physical environment in which we teach. No longer is the ideal classroom
one in which all the desks are in rows, facing forward while the students
quietly focus on the teacher as the "sage on the stage". The
ideal classroom, in terms of physical space has evolved into a very different
concept. While, I have not had an opportunity to teach or to set up my
own ideal classroom, I researched many different ideas on what the ideal
classroom should include, some of which are listed below (courtesy of
“Writeable surfaces—everywhere in the classroom—that capture and store everything
written on them (see, for example,
Real-time blogging in the classroom—students building collaborative
notes on the course site or a wiki
Classroom chat rooms—for example, with a teaching assistant (TA)
monitoring students’ meta-conversation, including a TA-moderated Instant
Messaging "back channel"
Dynamically available bandwidth provisioned to and within a room,
allowing students to safely access and download rich media objects without
choking the local network segment
Ubiquitous access to videoconferencing, so simple and intuitive that
multisite conversations are "natural" extensions of classroom
Video/data-enhanced real-time capture and asynchronous discussion and
annotation tools”
The above points
focus on embedding technology in the classroom, however I believe that there is
more to it than just technology. Some ideas of my own include:
comfortable seating
areas including desks, chairs, sofas and carpet that promote collaborative
learning and group work
access to outdoor
spaces for outdoor learning opportunities
natural lighting and
visually appealing posters/artwork
open space for
kinaesthetic learning
access to art
supplies for visual learners and creative expression
access to different
technology including LiveScribe Pens, netbooks/laptops/tablets, document
camera, SmartBoard etc.
overall safe,
supportive and incusive environment
While there are many
more ideas (the list can be endless) we need to focus on what exactly we can
implement in our immediate classroom environments. This may be as simple
as rearranging student desks into groups and setting up different learning
stations that reflect different learning styles. By accommodating our
students' different learning styles through our pedagogy and physical space, we
are demonstrating our commitment to our students and to their learning.
As well, we are demonstrating our ongoing professional practice and
professional knowledge when we research the latest technologies and explore
their use in our classrooms.
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